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We have a total of 9 Spanish tutors registered here at Tutor Hunt. Our tutors can teach in-person or through our interactive whiteboard. You can book online Spanish tutors through our lesson scheduling system. We offer local Spanish teachers who can also provide online tuition if you do not wish to travel. Start searching for your perfect Spanish tutor today!
9 Spanish Tutors
Spanish (University, Advanced Placement, Primary, IB Diploma, CBSE, A Level, Adult Learner and IGCSE)
AED187.5 - AED250
/ hr
SPANISH ONLINE Private LESSONS all levels and skills. NATIVE SPANISH TEACHER. IB & GCSE exams preparations & tuition, primary - secondary school and adults. BEST SPANI...
English, French, Italian and Spanish (IB Diploma, Primary, A Level, Adult Learner and IGCSE)
/ hr
Native speaker of English and Italian
Studied at university in Italy, UK, France and Spain
I love travelling, volleyball, gymnastics, hiking, reading, general know...
Hello, I`m a native Spanish teacher excited to be here. Can`t wait to hear your Spanish getting better and better after each class!
Spanish (Primary, IB Diploma, CBSE, A Level, IGCSE, Adult Learner and Advanced Placement)
AED312.5 - AED375
/ hr
Qualified Spanish teacher living in Dubai.
Over 20 years of teaching experience in UK and other countries. Qualified special needs lead teacher.
Abu Dhabi
I teach Arabic, English, Spanish, German for children and adults. I have 10 years experience teaching in Dubai and a total of 15 years experience teaching internationa...
I am Beatriz. I live in UAE for more than 10 years. I am teaching Spanish in the country to local students, government and private companies.
I love arts, reading an...
Bengali, Economics, English, Geography, History, Humanities, Maths and Spanish (Primary, CBSE and IGCSE)
/ hr
Bachelor of Science In Geography
Master of Science Geography
Bachelor of Education Social Studies & Geography
Language Known- English, Bengali, Hindi, Spanish
I am a fresh graduate from sorbonne university. I have studied in french and spanish, therefore i am willing to tutor these two languages for beginners or anyone who i...
Abu Dhabi
"I certainly recommend Tutor Hunt. The Service is very professional, and efficient..."
Lashae 2016/02/13